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2014 第五届『兰亭奖』世界青少年儿童书画大赛征稿启事

发表于 2014-2-28 12:56:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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  四、截稿时间: 2014年5月31日(以当地邮戳为准)。
       电话/传真:0591-87400005   邮编:350003
       E-mail: 610917385@qq.com 联系QQ:610917385
       大赛官方网址 http://www.zhsfw.com




Fifth Lanting Prize World Kids&Teens

Painting and Calligraphy Competition

    We will host this event with a special purpose of encouraging children's cultural and artistic exchange all over the world, improving the teaching of their painting and calligraphy art, promoting the quality-oriented education and nurturing kids' positive senses of competition from childhood. See specific rules of the activity as follows:
  I. Targets: Collectives or individual, in every country of the world, ranging from academies at all levels, primary and secondary schools, nursery schools (kindergartens), the Children’s Palaces, Painting and Calligraphy Training Centres to the training students, all have access to contributing papers.
  II. Requirements:
  1. Works contents: Healthy and upward, and there is no limit for the themes and types.
  2. Works categories: Calligraphy (Chinese Calligraphy, pen-and-ink calligraphy, seal cutting); art (traditional Chinese painting, oil painting, watercolour painting, engraving, sketch, children's drawing, colour pen drawing, crayon drawing, caricature, computer painting, paper cutting, fabric sticker, ceramics, clay sculpture, photography, etc.).  
  3. Works specifications: the whole size of each brush pen drawing cannot exceed six feet, with sextodecimo of hard brush; a seal cutting should have 4-6 sides with paraphrase. The size of paintings is not restricted, participants can send either the original works or the 4-10 inches high-resolution photographs of the works to us.    
   4. Each works will take the communication and appraisal fee of 45 yuan (10 dollars of overseas); the entries will not be returned on account of limited manpower.    
    5. Please use regular script characters to write down on the lower right corner of the back with the category, title of the works, as well as the author's name, age, postal address, telephone number, e-mail address and the tutor's name.
  6. All organizational group registration units, please particularly fill in the registration form for group entry, which will be listed and mailed together. And the organizers please provide the initial eva luation of award grade upon each author combining with his/her daily performance for the judge as a reference.
  7. The Organizing Committee has the disposition right to collect, exhibit, publish and publicise all the participating works.
  III. Judge Introduction:
  1. The Contributions are categorized into young children group (under 6 years old), children group (7-12 years old) and junior group (13-17 years old) to select. This event is to be encouragement-based and sets Top Grade Award of 1%, 5% Gold Award, 15% Silver Award, 30% bronze and several Award for Excellence with beautifully presented award certificates, and the award-winning children authors may apply to join Chinese Children's Painting and Calligraphy Association.
  2. Group Awards: The unit who organizes more than 200, 100, 50 and 30 people to participate will be awarded Group Special Prize, First Prize, Second Prize and Third Prize, being presented trophies, award plaques, banners and certificates of different grades.
  3. Teacher Awards: The teacher who organizes more than 10 (picture) people to participate will be presented Special Prize, First Prize, Second Prize, Third Prize and Excellent Instruction Prize Certificate, and hired as the member or above of Chinese Children's Painting and Calligraphy Association. The teacher will get the highest reward of 10,000 yuan according to the scale organized by him/her and students' scores. For more information, please call Advisory!
  IV. Deadline: May 31, 2014 (Post Mark Required).
  V. Editing and Publishing Lanting Prize World Kids&Teens Painting and Calligraphy Competition Collection.
  VI. Mailing and Remittance Address: Second Receiving Group, Mailbox 03A-114 of Hualin Post, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, China Lanting Prize Competition
        Telephone/Fax: 0591-87400005 Zip Code: 350003 E-mail: 610917385@qq.com
       Official Website: http://www.zhsfw.com http://www.seshw.cn
 楼主| 发表于 2014-4-15 15:22:31 | 显示全部楼层

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